Cleburne Mother Accused Of Attempting To Suffocate Baby


(Fort Worth, TX) —  A Cleburne woman is facing felony charges for allegedly trying to suffocate her seven-month-old baby.

Authorities say 22-year-old Shawna Renae Bieber brought her daughter to the Cook Children’s Hospital for breathing problems in February.  Hospital staff couldn’t find anything wrong with the baby, but were later notified by Bieber that her baby was having an episode and turning blue.  Suspicious, they checked hospital cameras which showed Bieber suffocating the child for several seconds before laying her down and going to get help.

The baby girl, now 8 months old is in foster care and doing well.  Bieber previously had a 3 month old daughter that died in 2016 from what was determined to be natural causes.  Investigators say Bieber believed her dead daughter Annabelle had come back as a demon and possessed her new baby and that when she put her hand over the baby’s mouth, she was trying to get rid of the demon.

Bieber is in the Tarrant County Jail charged with two counts of injury to a child.