Three Juveniles Arrested In Tainted Pizza Case


(Springtown, Tx) – Three former employees of a Springtown pizza place have been arrested for putting a laxative on a pizza that was eaten by a co-worker.

Springtown Police say they were notified on April 19th that 3 employees at Mr. Jim’s Pizza had tampered with a pizza by putting Miralax on it and that the person who ate it got sick.  The suspects, all under the age of 18, denied tampering with any pizzas that were given to customers.  Out of precaution, the restaurant was shut down until it could be cleared by the Springtown Health Inspector.

The restaurant has since reopened, and the three juveniles this week arrested on a charge of Class A misdemeanor assault.  Their names have not been released because of their ages.  Springtown Police showed their support for the local restaurant by encouraging residents not to be afraid to go back to Mr. Jim’s.


Photo Credit:  Springtown Police Facebook