(Cleburne, Tx) – Microscopic mites carrying a virus deadly to all species of roses have invaded Johnson County and the only way to stop it is eradication.
According to The Cleburne Times Review, the virus — Rose Rosette — has taken over Winston Patrick McGregor Park and now all the roses are being taken out of the park. Around 800-1,200 rose plants at the Cleburne park will need to be removed. The Johnson County AgriLife Extension agent Justin Hale says after the infected plants are removed, they have to be burned or buried to stop the virus from spreading.
Symptoms associated with Rose Rosette disease include abnormal reddening of leaves and stems, unusual and rubbery thorns, deformed leaves and multiple stems growing out of one node, which causes a bunching effect. There is no known treatments for roses infected with the virus.
For more information or to report infected roses, visit www.roserosette.org