Weatherford Teen Says He Nearly Died From Vaping


(Weatherford, Tx) – A 17-year-old Weatherford boy says he spent nearly 3 weeks in the hospital after suffering from the effects of vaping.

Tryston Zohfeld went to Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth late last month with shortness of breath, fatigue, chills and vomiting.  The Weatherford teen had also lost about 30 pounds over the summer.  Within a couple of days, Tryston was put on a ventilator because he couldn’t breathe on his own.

Doctors ran a lot of test to figure out what was wrong, but they all came back negative.  It wasn’t until a family member brought Tryston’s e-cigarettes to the hospital that doctors determined his lungs had become so irritated from vaping that they had developed scar tissue.

He has since been released from the hospital and is recovering.