(Stephenville, Tx) – Tarleton students return to class today to the tragic news that two freshmen students were killed in a car accident Thursday night on U.S. Hwy. 281 near Morgan Mill.
The Stephenville Empire Tribune reports18-year-old Destiny Ann Thompson and 18 year old Alyssa Gayle Green were pronounced dead at the scene. The girls, who were also cousins, were reportedly heading to Morgan Mill to visit a friend when the accident happened. The girls were 2019 graduates of Jacksboro High School.
According to the Department of Public Safety, Thompson was driving and for an unknown reason, pulled her car over to the shoulder of the highway and attempted to make a U-turn. That’s when the car was struck t-boned by a Northbound semi-truck.
A statement from the university reads: “Tarleton State University mourns this loss of young life and grieves with the family and friends of these students. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.”