Voters Head To Polls On State Amendments and Bond Proposals


(Fort Worth, Tx) – It is election day in Texas.

Voters in the Aledo Independent School District will decide on a $149,950 million bond package for the construction, renovation, acquisition and
equipment of school facilities within the District.  Also in Parker County, Brock ISD residents will vote on a $21,360,000 bond proposal for the construction, acquisition and equipment of school buildings.  Granbury ISD voters will choose school board members for Place 5, 6, and 7.

In Johnson County, Alvarado ISD is holding a $11,150 million bond election for a new junior high.  The City of Grandview is asking voters to approve a tax rate for street maintenance.  Voters in the City of Joshua will also decide on a $3,905 million bond proposal to fund improvements to streets, sidewalks and drainage.

Voters within the Tarrant County College District will decide on an $825 million bond package for money needed to restore existing buildings and build new classrooms.  Fort Worth ISD voters will choose a new board member for Place 4.

In addition to several local bond and school board elections,  voters will weigh in on 10 proposed amendments to the state constitution.