Two records were eclipsed February 8 at the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo’s Junior Sale of Champions. More than $4.7 million was raised by individuals, corporations and foundations surpassing the previous record for the total sale haul by $775,000 and the price paid for grand champion steer surpassed the previous record by $60,000. Youth from across the state were rewarded for their hard work and determination that yielded success in the show ring.
“This was a historic day for these outstanding youth exhibitors,” said Brad Barnes, Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo president and general manager. “I’m amazed at the commitment that the people of North Texas have for the next generation of leaders in our 4-H and FFA organizations.”
Ryder Day, a FFA member from Meadow, Texas, sold the grand champion steer, a Polled Hereford for $300,000. Gary and Kathy Buchholz of GBK Cattle Company in Waxahachie, Texas purchased the steer named Cupid Shuffle. The reserve grand champion was a Horned Hereford and shown by Lauren Holly Thomas, a 4-H member from Gatesville, Texas. Thomas’ steer was purchased by Hillwood for $200,000.
The grand champion barrow, a Hampshire shown by Wyatt Geistweidt of Fredericksburg FFA, went for a final bid of $70,000 from Standard Meat Co., Syracuse Sausage, Penrose Group and Rosenthal Trust. Double Eagle Development topped the bidding at $50,000 for the reserve grand champion barrow, a crossbred shown by Sterling Boyles, an FFA member from Canyon, Texas.
Ladies on the Lamb purchased the grand champion lamb, a medium wool cross shown by Brownwood, Texas 4-H member, Madellyne Adams for $50,000. Another medium wool cross, shown by Aspen Martin, a 4-H member from Mason, Texas, won Reserve Grand Champion Lamb and was sold for $50,000. A group of buyers came together to make the purchase and included: Luther King Capital Management; Mary Kathryn and Caroline King; and MK Gas.
In wether goats, the grand champion was shown by Kory Humphrey of George West FFA, and sold for $30,000 to Endeavor Acquisitions, LLC. The reserve champion weather goat was exhibited by Kaylee Jackson, a 4-H member from Rockdale, Texas and fetched a winning bid of $25,000 from LKCM Headwater.
The Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate, along with Women Steering Business, Band of Barrows, U Ol’ Goat Committee, Ladies on the Lamb, and the Tallest Hog at the Trough Syndicate were responsible for the purchase of all animals offered in the Junior Sale of Champions. A group of more than 100 Fort Worth area businessmen dedicated to enhancing agricultural education activities for Texas youth, the Syndicate has raised $64.2 million for youth exhibitors and provided more than $2 million in scholarships to Texas 4-H and FFA members since 1980.