UPDATE: At 11:23a Johnson County Emergency Management Tweeted that the county has it’s first confirmed case
(Cleburne, Tx) – An Alvarado resident with possible exposure to the Coronavirus has tested negative.
Last week Alvarado ISD shut down classes after learning that the parent of a student at the elementary school had come in contact with a Coronavirus patient in Tarrant County. According to Johnson County officials, although the person was experiencing some symptoms, the test results for Covid-19 were negative for all the family members involved.
On Monday, the Emergency Management Office posted on Facebook “At this point there is still NO ONE who has tested positive and is residing in Johnson County. That could change at any moment but as of now there are none. There is no first confirmed case at a nail salon in Alvarado, THR Cleburne is not holding patients that have tested positive, a restaurant is not closed in Cleburne because of a positive case. There is also no one currently being actively monitored by DSHS.”