(Granbury, Tx) – Hood County residents can receive free COVID-19 testing Tuesday thru Friday, this week, and Jan. 11-29 at two locations in Granbury.
The free testing is being done thanks to Hood County Judge Ron Massingill and Granbury Mayor Nin Hulett, through the Hood County Office of Emergency Management and in collaboration with the Texas Division of Emergency Management. The free, fast and easy testing will feature painless lower-nose swabbing, with no requirements needed for testing and with results coming in a two to three-day timeframe.
Testing will take place at the following locations:
Jan. 5-8, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Hood County Emergency Operations Center, 401 Deputy Larry Miller Dr., Granbury, and
Jan. 11-29, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hood County Reunion Grounds, Courts Cleveland Building, 641 Reunion Ct., Granbury
Those seeking to receive the free test must first register online at: