(Granbury, Tx) – Gov. Abbott’s ending of the mask mandate has left many communities grappling with how to handle it.
For example – Hood County and the city of Granbury. The Hood County News reports that the county will adhere to Abbott’s relaxation of the mask mandate, but the city of Granbury won’t, meaning masks are required in city buildings and the choice is left to the wearer in county facilities. For now, Granbury ISD will leave the current mask policy in place until they hear more from the Texas Education Agency. A special-called school board meeting is set for Monday afternoon to discuss it.
Hood County Public Health Authority Dr. David Blocker issued a statement this week that “the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended…. we are still under substantial risk of COVID-19 transmission.” Blocker adds there are still over 150 active cases of COVID-19 in Hood County with dozens of new cases reported each week.
7,000 residents have been vaccinated so far, but that only represents about 10% of the county’s population.