Weatherford ISD Adopts Full Day Pre-K Program For Next School Year

(Weatherford, Tx) – Starting next Fall, pre-kindergarten students in Weatherford will go to school all day.

The WISD board of trustees voted to approve full-day pre-k for eligible students and the children of district employees.  The district says it will no longer offer half-day pre-kindergarten.  The Weatherford Democrat says half-day pre-kindergarten is currently funded by the state for eligible students who are 4 years old by Sept. 1st.  Children who meet the state’s eligibility requirements would not pay for enrollment while students of WISD staff members who don’t meet the requirements would pay tuition.  Weatherford ISD projects pre-k enrollment for the 2019-20 school year to be 257 students.  Next school year, the district is estimated to earn about $829,499 in funding and about $60,000 in tuition through the all day pre-k program.

Qualifications include children who are non-English speaking; educationally disadvantaged, homeless, qualify for free or reduced-price lunch; the child of an active duty military member; the child of a parent who was killed or injured while serving in the military; children in the care of the Department of Family and Protective Services; or the child of someone eligible for the Star of Texas Award for peace officers, firefighters or medical responders.