More Credit Card Skimmers Found At A North Texas Gas Station


(Stephenville, Tx) – For the second time in a matter of weeks Stephenville police are investigating another incident involving skimming devices found on gas pumps at a local gas station.

According to the Stephenville Empire Tribune, the latest incident occurred Thursday at the CEFCO gas station located at 1499 W. South Loop.

A release from Stephenville PD says “A gas pump technician located three skimming devices on three separate pumps,”. “The skimmers were removed, store management was notified and the police department contacted.”  Investigators are asking the public notify the department if they suspect they are a victim of fraudulent charges on their credit or debit cards due to skimming at the CEFCO or any other business.

On May 21, the Discount Mart on W. Lingleville Rd. reported that a technician located two skimming devices.