Parker County Clears 35 Yr Old Murder Case


(Weatherford, Tx) – A Parker County homicide case that was cold for 35 years will be cleared by exception after the chief suspect in the case died in prison.

The Weatherford Democrat says the case dates back to October 1985 when the body of a unknown 22 year old man was found buried on property near FM 51 and Veal Station Road in Weatherford.  It wasn’t until December of last year that the remains were identified as William Arthur Fiegener, of Brooklyn, New York.  Once the victim was identified, Parker County Investigators determined Fiegener was murdered by a man named Forrest Ethington from Lake Dallas over a botched robbery.

Ethington was later sent to prison for another crime and died last year in Huntsville at the age of 81.  With Ethington dead, the Parker County Sheriff’s Office said they will not file charges and instead clear the case.