Cleburne Railroaders Hold Food Drives For JoCo Families


(Cleburne, Tx) – The Cleburne Railroaders might not be playing baseball right now, but they are still making an impact on the community.

The Railroaders organization launched the “Home Plate Project”, a food drive to help Johnson County families whose lives have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.  The team is holding food drives every two weeks on Saturdays from 8:30 to 10:30am at The Depot.  The next two scheduled are May 16th and 30th.  According to the Cleburne Times Review, the Railroaders estimate 180 families in need were helped at the first food bank held late last month.

The Railroaders purchased the food out of their own budget, but they’re also receiving donations and have plans to keep the food bank going.