WHS Goes On Lockdown After Shooting Near Campus


(Weatherford, Tx) – Weatherford High School was put in lockdown Tuesday afternoon after a shooting on the campus grounds.

Weatherford PD says around 2pm they got a call about someone seen with a handgun hidden under his shirt outside of the main school buildings.  The suspect was believed to be a Parker County runaway.  As officers approached the boy near an outbuilding at the high school, he took off, running into the woods.  At some point the boy shot himself in the abdomen.

He was quickly apprehended and taken to a trauma hospital, where Weatherford PD says “the juvenile will remain under police observation until it is determined what criminal charges may or may not be filed against him.”  The lockdown was lifted around 3:15pm.  Police say there was no indication that any of the high school students or staff were threatened by the suspect.

WISD says counselors will be available at the high school today to help students deal with the event.