Legendary singer/songwriter Johnny Bush tells Ken and Marlee the story behind his classic hit “Whiskey River”...
Hank FM and First National Bank of Granbury have partnered to recognize local heroes in our communities. Marlee McCormick from KB & Marlee in...
Hank FM’s Ken Buckner spent a day talking to folks in the Fort Worth Stockyards on the National Day of the American Cowboy....
Hank loves “Real Country” so obviously we wanna know more about the National Day of the American Cowboy. Luckily our friend Devon Dawson swings...
“How hot is it?” Ken Buckner and Marlee make a new friend in Oklahoma....
KB & Marlee introduce you to Walter Wayback proudly brought to you by K-Mart....
Who knew that Russians listened to KB & Marlee all the time. Turns out the new Face App is safe… maybe....
KB & Marlee save some money and take the discount tour with Ranger Randy’s Trinity River Tours for a great Texas adventure… No life...